Studio TalentCast:

Fongersplaats 117
9725 LE Groningen, The Netherlands

Tel: +31-85-878-3570

Use our contact form to:
- send feedback
- share your news with our listeners
- submit your (solely independent music) podcast for airplay on our AM and internet radio station.

If you work for a radio station and are interested in broadcasting our programme or Song of the Week, you can use our contact form to request a partnership.

If you work for a TV station, website, festival, music magazine or another music project, you can also use this contact form to get in touch with us.

Please do not send music files by email! Read these instructions if you want to submit music for airplay consideration.

TalentCast is a voluntary, non-commercial project, set up and run to help people discover quality independently released music. Independent artists as well as music lovers are welcome to become a member of our project. We currently have 1954 members. Please use this form if you would like to join us too.
Johan Jongerius
Johan Jongerius
Radio host
Sound engineer
Contact TalentCast

You can contact us via this form or by ending an email to

Fields marked with * are required!



Our radio studio
Studio we use to record our radio programme and podcast